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<aside> ⚕️ MedlinePlus Health Topic Summary Courtesy of MedlinePlus from the National Library of Medicine

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis (TB)? Most people who have TB germs in their bodies don't get sick with TB disease. Instead, they have latent TB infection. With a latent TB infection, you: Don't have symptoms. Can't spread TB to others. Could get sick with active TB disease in the future if your immune system becomes weak for another reason. Need to take medicine to prevent getting sick with active TB disease in the future. If you have TB disease, the TB germs are active, meaning that they are growing (multiplying) inside your body and making you sick. If the TB is growing in your lungs or throat, you can spread the TB germs to other people. You can get sick with TB disease weeks to years after you're infected with TB germs. With TB disease, your symptoms will depend on where the TB is growing in your body. General symptoms may include: Chills and fever. Night sweats (heavy sweating during sleep). Losing weight without trying. Loss of appetite. Weakness or fatigue. Symptoms from TB disease in your lungs may include: A cough that lasts longer than 3 weeks, Coughing up blood or sputum (a thick mucus from the lungs), and Chest pain. How is tuberculosis diagnosed? Your health care provider or your local health department can test you to find out if you have TB germs in your body. They will give you either a TB skin or blood test. If your test shows that you have TB germs, you'll need to have other tests to see if the germs are actively growing: Tests for TB disease in the lungs usually include testing samples of your sputum and having chest x-rays. Tests for TB disease in other parts of your body may include tests of urine and tissue samples. You may need a TB test if you have symptoms of TB disease or if you are at high risk because you are more likely to be near someone with TB disease. What is the treatment for tuberculosis? The treatment for both latent TB infection and TB disease is antibiotics. To make sure you get rid of all the TB germs in your body, it's very important to follow the directions for taking your medicine. If you don't follow the directions, the TB germs in your body could change and become antibiotic resistant. That means the medicine may stop working and your TB may become hard to cure. For latent TB infections, you usually take medicines for 3 to 9 months. Treatment helps make sure you don't get TB disease in the future. For active TB disease, you usually need to take medicines for 6 to 12 months. Treatment will almost always cure you if you take your pills the right way. For TB disease in your lungs or throat, you'll need to stay home for a few weeks, so you don't spread disease to other people. You can protect the people you live with by: Covering your nose and mouth. Opening windows when possible. Not getting too close to them. By following medical advice for TB testing and treatment, you can keep yourself healthy and help stop the spread of TB.



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<aside> <img src="/icons/stethoscope_red.svg" alt="/icons/stethoscope_red.svg" width="40px" /> Disclaimer The content provided by Neejad LLC or its affiliates is information to help users enhance their medical education, knowledge, and understanding of fundamental topics in health. The content however is not professional medical advice, and is not intended to be relied upon as such, and those seeking medical advice or treatment should seek an appointment directly from a qualified professional. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the information provided, the timeliness thereof, the results to be obtained by the use thereof or any other matter.
